珍视伙伴关系 共赢成长策略—8月26日富立叶走进杭州
8月26日,富立叶走进杭州,在杭州皇逸豪庭酒店胜利召开【物联梦想 链接未来—富立叶2022年度合作伙伴峰会】。共享经营之道人品、企品、产品西安富立叶微电子有限责任公司董事长吴总致开场词,并探讨“疫情下科技型企业技术研发之道"。吴总表示企业经营需顺势而为,做时代所需的事物,与时偕行才不会被淘汰;并从人品、企品、产品三个方面深刻分析了疫情之下科技型企业技术研发之道,为疫情之下的科技型企业发展指明方向。共赢富立叶加强合作 携手共创富立叶营销中心总监师总以“共赢富立叶”为主题,师总从企业文化、核心竞争优势、应用领域、社会责任、未来发展等多个维度讲述了富立叶的综合实力与发展历程,师总表示:后疫情时代,突破界限,打破壁垒,加深交流与沟通,才能形成合力,才能不断推动社会、行业、企业向更高更精的方向发展。掌握新技术开拓新思路 洞察新方向随后,富立叶物联网中心总监史总为大家带来物联网行业发展的新技术、新方向的分享,史总从数字孪生MR在物联网行业中的发展、讲到RFID数据采集技术新趋势、讲到类脑科学人工智能、又讲到安可工程,史总表示,面临新技术发展下的机遇与挑战,唯有掌握新技术,开拓新思路,技术发展才能洞察新方向。携手同行 共建共赢富立叶的合作伙伴扎根全国,他们带着富立叶的产品、服务下沉到各个行业,本次大会特邀营匠智能科技南京有限公司相总、中交(浙江)智慧交通产业发展有限公司刘总、上海码驰信息科技有限公司杨总三位代表现场分享,三位嘉宾分别来自零售、信息科技、轨道交行业,富立叶产品深入不同行业,满足客户多元需求,期待未来富立叶能服务更多合作伙伴。用心服务 只为更专业当今市场竞争无处不在,服务理念的竞争已经影响到一个行业的发展,西安富立叶微电子有限责任公司服务运营中心经理雷总分享了“八条差异化价值主张 让客户选择富立叶”,带大家共同了解富立叶的服务模式,用心服务,只为更专业.诚挚邀请 共商合作精彩瞬间抽奖环节气氛满满产品体验台人气爆满铭记此刻 集体合影 -
富立叶 5G PDA助力构建智慧医疗新体验
Demands: The acceleration of economic globalization and the significant importance of modern logistics to economic development indicates that in the future, the market competition is actually the competition of enterprise supply chain. The key to supply chain and logistics management depends on the accuracy and timeliness in information transmitting. Challenges: Traditional management methods are mostly implemented by manual registration or scanning QR barcode, which can not guarantee the extreme information collection speed and the immense accuracy, fail to meet demand to collect and record the massive amount of information in modern logistics. Traditional logistics management could lead more wast in time and labor cost, which may increase the logistics cost and reduce the core competitiveness of logistics companies. Cilico solutions: Cilico RFID reader CM900 based on RFID technology, combining with warehouse management software, integrates various types of intelligent mobile terminals of Cilico devices to solute real time warehouse management automatically such as receiving, warehousing, picking, assembling, stock-taking, outbound, assembling, positioning, scheduling and other logistic activities. Cilico RFID reader CM900 can greatly improve the degree of automation, greatly reduce errors to realize modern logistics management in such targets as efficient, scientific and low-cost. Effects: Without opening the outer packaging of the product, Cilico CM900 can identify the chip ID cards in the boxes and packages, so that the relevant information of the product can be obtained accurately at any time, which can not only greatly improve the degree of automation, but also greatly reduce the error rate. By group scanning and group reading, the inventory task is initiated through Cilico CM900 and handheld devices to generate grouped inventory list. In positioning management, truck and pallets label are uploaded in real time through RFID reader CM900 to complete the real-time positioning of goods. By collecting and uploading relevant information through Cilico CM900 RFID reader, you can query the status, location, cargo information, orders, etc. Of each item in the logistics supply chain. Also, Cilico CM900 RFID reader could realize the first-in-first out management of goods. For products with hight time limit requirements, advanced warehouses will give priority to deliver them from warehouse and provide reminders to be out of the warehouse. Forklifts can receive reminder information and accurately find the location for operation. Cilico CM900 RFID reader is based on the RFID chip technology, which has the characteristics of ultra-low cost, high security and high reliability, and the data can not be physically erased. Digital data storage in RFID technology can last more than 100 years, anti-fouling, anti-irradiation, high and low temperature resistance, anti-harsh environment. Cilico CM900 based on RFID technology can work in long-distance, no-visual recognition, 100% recognition rate, realize rapid identification of material batches and intelligent inventory. Big data analysis can early remind warning of inventory and out-of-stock conditions. Automatic statistical data in all aspects of warehousing improves work efficiency to provide decision support through real-time analysis and to improve warehouse throughput. Configuration: CM900 Functions: RFID reading and writing, Bluetooth, GPS, Wi-Fi. -
CILICO THOR F880 intelligent mobile computer combined with geographic information data collection system, meets the needs of airport-level meter-level accurate geographic information collection. -
CILICO C6 - AER Certified Device Security Patch Update Notes (Updated Dec. 2021)
CILICO THOR F880 smart handheld terminal is used for cargo management of Qingdao Jiaodong International Airport. Real-time information is automatically read and interactive in real-time through the entire process of aviation logistics to realize traceable management of the entire process. Greatly reduce management and operating costs, reduce failure rates, and improve work efficiency. -
披荆斩“疾” “医”路护你,富立叶莲花关爱系列专题活动
The CILICO C5S intelligent mobile computer is selected for real-time message interaction, and the MES and intelligent storage system WMS, which are closely combined with the production process, are quickly applied. Help enterprises reduce costs and increase efficiency. -
圆满落幕 |富立叶亮相IOTE 2021国际物联网展,纷呈亮点看这里
Realize the information management of automobile parts and components, real-time communication of information, unified data, reduce labor costs and improve management level -
Select CILICO ROCK F750 industrial intelligent mobile computer for vehicle certification management, scan vehicle information on street vehicles, inventory, delivery, service, carts and other nodes during vehicle transportation and sales, and realize real-time intercommunication of information . Effectively prevent and eliminate illegal operations and reduce the risk of channel sales. -
Selecting CILICO Lotus F760 intelligent mobile computer and relying on the MES system to efficiently implement inspections through barcode and RFID technologies, reducing the work intensity of inspection personnel, improving work efficiency and quality, and standardizing the inspection process. -
CILICO ROCK F750 industrial intelligent mobile computer was selected for the production of MES system, real-time communication of information, reducing costs and increasing efficiency for enterprises. -
CILICO Lotus Series F760 intelligent mobile computer was selected for high-end luxury sales management. -
数据物联 共建共享 | 富立叶参加2021 CHITEC 中国卫生信息技术交流大会
The hospital uses CILICO mobile nursing mobile computer for mobile nursing, pharmaceutical management, drug management, and logistics support. -
科技赋能 数字中国 | 富立叶携“硬核”产品亮相2021科博会
Used in the family doctor project to record the health status of residents in the area, form health management files, and synchronize data in real time, which greatly improves the work efficiency of community family doctors and can provide health guidance programs more accurately. -
快讯! 富立叶携多款物联网手持终端亮相2021西部数字经济博览会!
The hospital uses CILICO nursing mobile computer, which is used in the mobile nursing department of the hospital. -
聚焦 | 2021全球硬科技创新大会召开,富立叶斩获“小巨人”企业称号
Providing medical services to more than 30,000 patients in more than 80 countries every year. The hospital uses CILICO barcode + UHF nursing mobile computer, which can directly read the patient's wristband information without touching or waking up to achieve advanced Humanized high-quality medical care services. -
More than 300 chain stores and online shopping sites. The CILICO C5 intelligent mobile computer was selected for warehouse inbound and outbound management and data collection. Greatly reduced labor costs. -
Use CILICO C5 star intelligent mobile computer for warehouse management and express management. By scanning the 2D barcode on each package, GPS tracks the delivery status. Help companies significantly improve human efficiency. Customize exclusive corporate colors, startup screens, etc. to effectively enhance corporate image.