富立叶工业PDA富立叶工业PDA广泛应用于国土,电力,林业,环境,导航,市政,海洋等行业,可以定制各种特定要求的行业应用功能。基本的设计采用一体化集成设计,其集GPS、Windows 系统、数码相机、麦克风、3G 通信、蓝牙通讯、海量存储、USB/RS232 端口、SD 卡扩展等多种功能于一身。 采用工业级三防设计,特别加固的结构设计可承受 1.5 米处跌落至水泥地面,IP67的防尘防水标准满足野外作业的复杂环境要求。同时,配置的超大容量锂电池更能满足全天的工作要求。专业的工业PDA应用软件,兼容目前各种主流的工业PDA软件平台,实现数据的无缝对接。高端的系统配置> Windows CE 操作系统/android系统> 533MHz 高速 ARM920T 处理器> 128M 大容量内存> 512M Flash 闪存(支持 1G 或更大内存)> 3.2 英寸专业级户外彩色触摸屏> 3.7V,4 400mAh 超大容量锂电池工业级三防设计> 工业级一体化集成设计,集多种功能于一身> 特别加固的胶圈,可承受 1.5 米处跌落至水泥地面> IP65 的防尘防水设计专业级GPS性能> 采用 20 通道 /16 通道 L1+ 载波相位 GPS> 支持 SBAS(WAAS,EGNOS,MSAS)> 内置高灵敏度抗干扰 GPS 天线> 先进的 PPP 技术(精密单点定位技术):(1)利用 SBAS 信号的 PPP 精度可达 0.8-1.5 米(受区域影响)(2)利用 IGS 网络数据的 PPP 精度可达 0.5 米(需支付 IGS 服务费用)直观的数字影像> 内置数码相机,可实现影像信息的现场采集> 软件自动实现 GPS 坐标与影像信息的匹配标注> 内置麦克风、可实现语音信息的现场采集集成的GPRS无线通信> 集成工业级 GPRS 无线通信> 实现管理中心和移动 GPS 终端的数据互通> 任务下达、在线监控、数据上传、迅速决策更方便工业PDA方便的数据通讯> 内置蓝牙,可方便的实现无线数据传输> 通过蓝牙连接,可协同测距仪等进行偏距测量> 内置 Micro SD 卡槽,支持大容量存储扩展> 支持 USB、RS232 串口数据传输> 支持 802.116 无线局域网 -
富立叶为千年国酒插上物联网翅膀近日,富立叶携手知名追溯平台“真假通”为千年国酒西凤旗下高端白酒品牌国花瓷提供了整套产品防伪、溯源解决方案。西凤酒古称秦酒、柳林酒,是产于凤酒之乡的陕西省宝鸡市凤翔县柳林镇的地方传统名酒,为中国四大名酒之一。始于殷商,盛于唐宋,已有三千多年的历史。是独一无二的凤香型白酒。西凤酒考察了国内外多家手持PDA供应商,发现目前市场的安卓手持机的供应商鱼龙混杂,技术开发能力参差不齐。富立叶专注物联网行业16年,西部唯一手持机研发生产商,拥有多项核心专利,客户遍布全球,加之本地化服务优势。2016年9月,采用富立叶移动手持终端的防伪溯源系统正式上线。此图为富立叶手持终端于西凤酒厂工作现场 本次合作,富立叶为国花瓷西凤酒插上移动物联网的翅膀,富立叶物联网手持机自带专业条码扫描头,可以快速识别一维、二维条码。提供内置的4G网络模块,实时上传信息,与服务器进行数据交换。基于安卓5.1的深度定制系统完全保证数据安全,专机专用。采用富立叶手持机的防伪溯源手持机简单、快捷、用户体验感强,瞬间完成鉴别真伪的过程,让假货无处可藏。通过箱码和产品码的关联机制,实时发现并汇报窜货时间和地点,大大提高西凤酒的内部管理效率。 随着人们对产品质量安全越来越重视,对于产品出现问题后的可追溯的需求也更加强烈,并且随着信息化技术及RFID技术的应用逐渐成熟,在这种背景下富立叶手持终端产品追溯系统应然而生。系统主要使用RFID技术记录了产品从生产到仓储一直到最后的物流及分销的各个环节的数据信息,使产品的物流追溯成为可能。为强化和追溯产品质量和产品安全,我们有责任捍卫人民的健康,做生命安全的道德守护者而贡献!源于西安,面向世界。富立叶依托强大的技术实力和丰富的行业经验,坚持“以客户为中心”,以“成为物联网行业领军企业”为愿景,持续打造高品质、高性价比的精品, 持续为客户创造最大价值。智慧成长,与时偕行! -
富立叶手持终端技术再突破 领衔行业发展水平
富立叶手持终端技术再突破 领衔行业发展水平手持终端的模块集成问题一直是阻碍设备功能多样化的的一大障碍。通常来讲,物联网工业手持终端虽然可以支持一维二维码扫描、UHF、电力红外等多种功能, 但由于手持终端本身空间所限以及复杂的电磁环境干扰等原因,这些功能往往都是互斥的,譬如:支持了一维激光扫描,就需要放弃硬件二维扫描;支持了UHF, 就得放弃条码扫描……这个困局,在富立叶研发部手上得到了突破。富立叶研发部在丰富的物联网手持终端研发经验上百尺竿头,更进一步,实现了条码扫描+UHF共存,这在物联网手 持终端领域尚属首创。克服了狭小空间、复杂电磁环境干扰等多个结构和布线难题,UHF读取距离超过1米,完全可以媲美单个UHF模块设备的读卡性能。富立叶作为行内领军的硬件企业,配套软件研发也齐头并进,2014年富立叶扩大了软件项目部,为银行、医疗、电力、快消品等行业提供了先进的整套系统解决方案,并于9月份获得了陕西省工业和信息化厅的"双软企业认定",实现了硬件、软件共同发展。 -
富立叶联手中国联通,打造智慧城市 2016年运营商加快物联网发展,物联网已经成为4G、宽带后运营商新的竞争点,三大运营商通过产业合作投入数亿元发展物联网管理平台,短短数月,平台人数接近1000万。富立叶小编指出物联网终端作为运营商发展的新宠,成为运营商必争的兵家之地。 近期,中国联通隆重邀请富立叶联手打造“智慧城市”。作为资深物联网设备提供商,富立叶深耕物联网技术16年,拥有数十项国家专利及各项认证。富立叶携C5S、C4L、C7S等4G产品一亮相,就受到了众多企业家的追捧和高度关注。 C5S在医疗行业颇有建树,其采用医用级抗腐材料,搭载Android 5.1系统,1.3GHz处理器,拥有一维条码、二维条码扫描模组,支持NFC、RFID、DPS+BDS、WIFI等功能,擅长移动护士站、药品电子监管、药房盘点等医用系统。 富立叶手持终端通过一张SIM卡建立与运营商的互动,支持中国移动、中国联通,双网双待。承载数据信息的传输,承担命令控制中心角色,在应用解决方案方面,富立叶面向运输、物流、医疗、货品零售追踪、移动政务等,提供有针对性的物联网服务,满足不同行业不同企业的个性化需求。 在运营商不断加大物联网投入的形势下,物联网如同一剂化学药剂,产生的化学反应在很多行业的实际应用中发生着“裂变”。富立叶作为物联网行业的领军企业,欢迎与各行各业开展技术交流与探讨。 -
富立叶继十几项专利技术后的又一重大突破富立叶微电子自2001年成立以来,始终专注于物联网行业终端产品的设计和研发,继获得"具备无线射频功能终端产品"、"激光条形码扫描识读装置"等十几 项专利技术,以及多次获得中国RFID行业十大最有影响力创新产品奖后,又于2014年9月取得国家软件行业的"软件企业认定证书"、"软件产品登记证 书",这标志着富立叶基于行业内领先的硬件研发设计能力外,又在软件开发领域积累了另一竞争力,软件研发领域的重要突破,为富立叶给各类行业客户提供信息 化系统解决方案创造了更好条件。"双软认证"是由信息产业部、教育部、科学技术部、国家税务总局等相关部委联合对软件企业和软件产品实施的权威认证,是国家为推动我国软件产业的发展,增 强信息产业创新能力和国际竞争力,进一步促进国民经济持续、快速、健康发展而制定的认证体系。富立叶在软件领域大力投入、经过二十多位研发人员的不断创 新,获得国家相关部委的一致认可,给予此项认证。未来,富立叶在持续为客户提供稳定可靠的物联网手持终端、工业平板、条码扫描枪、超高频RFID终端识别设备的同时,还可以为客户定制开发各类配套软件, 提供更加完善的信息化系统解决方案,让客户体验最佳的物联网信息化服务。富立叶将持续创新、与时俱进,为中国物联网行业贡献自己的力量!软件企业认证证书 -
服装行业推行RFID,教你不开箱点货的秘诀在服装储运中心,两条紧挨着的收货流水线风格迥异:一条流水线蜿蜒曲折,传送带上送来一箱箱服装,每隔十来米就有十几个工作人员忙着开箱、倒货、扫描、再装箱,干得热火朝天;另一条流水线则平静许多,一个个封装好的标准箱被直接运送进一台形似X光安检仪的设备中,几秒钟出来后,又在导轨引导下安安静静地“走”向一旁的堆放区。前者是传统的收货流水线,后者是应用“RFID流水化读取系统”的收货流水线。应用该系统后,收货效率大幅提高,而收发货一直以来都是服装行业的管理瓶颈,RFID读取技术的应用方案为服装行业提高工作效率,减少出错率,对每一款服装的来源和去向的管理起到了非常重要的作用。此前,其服装品牌1天发货量平均约为60万件,高峰时甚至达到100万件以上,在一些重要的销售时段节点,人工操作错装、漏装、多装等情况频繁发生,收发货环节不堪重负。应用射频读写技术,搭建物与物之间的信息沟通桥梁,寻找多件商品一次性扫码出入库的解决方案,已势在必行。作为深耕于物联网RFID读写技术解决方案的富立叶,在解决RFID流水线读取系统的研发工作中,率先推出CM719MR工业级超远距离平板电脑。其通过对于RFID标签的远距离快速识别技术,可以帮助企业提高收发货的工作效率,使本来冗杂的工作变得简单明了。企业将每一款服装配一个RFID标签,并将读取设备嵌入流水线的“通道机”内,当一箱封装好的服装随着轨道进入“通道机”后,“通道机”会自动关门,并对这箱服装的RFID标签进行扫描。一箱服装扫描完成后,“通道机”会把获取的扫描信息,实时上传到RFID智能收发货系统,由系统比对应收和实收的货物数量。如果确认无误,通道机就“自动放行”,向下一环节传送。如果扫描项目与箱规不符,系统会自动排查原因,并明示在显示器上,传送带会将这箱服装送到旁边的人工检测区等待开箱检查。正是这台看似普通的“通道机”,却是收发货流水线的“火眼金睛”,据企业介绍,应用RFID流水化读取系统后,工作效率得到了大幅度的提高。随着物联网技术的不断发展,以ZARA、优衣库为代表的中高端服装企业,纷纷加紧探索依托RFID技术获取用户数据。也在计划进一步发掘RFID流水化读取系统在供应链全流程上的应用潜能。在不远的将来,服装商场中或许会出现这样一幅场景:当顾客进入门店后,他所拿过、试过的商品信息将被自动记录在案,每家门店可以将这些信息汇总分析,并据此调整安排门店商品布局。这些商品的款式、颜色、尺寸等信息也将汇总至后台系统,为企业更好把握消费者需求,开展更加精准的商品生产和营销提供参考。 -
WiFi条码枪首创者富立叶CILICO,全球招募新品测评官!为提升用户体验,探索用户(行业)需求.富立叶CILICO面向全球招募有盘点需求的测评官。活动简介客户在线报名,富立叶CILICO有权对所有报名信息进行筛选,符合测评官选拔资格的客户,将和富立叶CILICO签订测试协议并支付9.9元,最终获得硬件、软件、30天VIP专家一对一服务等系列特权。活动时间:2018年6月29日至7月15日如提前达到活动名额,富立叶有权提前关闭报名通道。报名范围:服装、化妆品、医药、高端零售等对盘点功能有明确需求行业用户适用产品:仅限于IOT800触屏WIFI云条码枪(每位客户仅限申请1台)活动名额:10名您的权益:高级智能条码枪一套.富立叶专利的免费盘点软件一套VIP专家团队30天免费服务您的义务:签订测试协议,提供符合我司要求的产品评测支付9.9元诚意金报名方式:填写下面申请表单.即可在线报名如有疑问请拨打活动热线:400 888 2065备注:本次活动最终解释权归富立叶微电子有限责任公司所有 -
【重磅】物联网行业首款智能终端操作系统CILICO IOT OS诞生!
CILICO PDA operating system IOTOS is based on the Android system, which is optimized and customized according to the industry's in-depth, intelligent operating system for the Internet of Things. It handles everything from operating experience and performance improvement to scene-based design.The system provides customers with complete life cycle features from startup, deployment, and operation.The features of IOTOS mainly involve 10 modules, including IoT modules, system applications, security, framework services, wireless connections, UI, big data, intelligence, Software customization, industry services.Rugged mobile phones-Cilico IOT OS milestonesSince development, a total of 9 versions have been updated, from V1 in 2017 to V3.2 today.The latest IoT OS V3.2 integrates 20 years of experience in the Internet of Things industry, adds many special applications, and has more than 200 deep customization items of the system.We have optimized system applications, software customization, intelligent algorithms, framework services, and page UI.From the first version with basic IoT functions, CILICO pay more attention on the application scenarios and user’s pain points, help the customers and users more convenient and efficiency.Rugged terminal-Cilico IoT OS main features and functions1. Professional & Attractive UIConsider the dull and complicated UI of the normal devices, we have changed the interface layout and optimized the icons of the APP. Make it elegant and easier to find the common IoT functions.2. SCAN in IoT toolsIn the latest version, we have integrated scan switch, scan method, scan result receiving method, scan result pre-processing method, scan result feedback method and other related setting items to facilitate customers to perform scan setting operations.Encoding format settingIf your barcode cannot be recognized in automatic mode?You can set the encoding format to the specified format in the settings according to your needs.Scan Picking ModeYou can turn on the Scan picking mode in the advanced settings, it can be used to solve the problem of misreading of two barcodes due to the distance too close.3. PSAMCILICO devices support PSAM, which for some customers whose business related to payment, and need security guarantee.Here in CILICO IoT OS, it provides a test channel for the communication between the customer's SAM card and the device, insert the card into the card slot, open the PSAM APP and click send, if the instruction is successfully received, it means that the card type is supported.4. Application FreezerHow to hide apps that I don’t want to show?If you put the apps into application freezer, the app icon is no longer displayed, and any method to call the app is prohibited.5. Device CloningEmployees are not allowed to change the configuration in the settings, but the number of devices is large, and setting one by one is crazy work. What should you do?With device cloning, when the selection is completed and the connection is successful, you can transmit via wireless. After the transmission is completed, the new machine will get the same settings. Or you can choose scan the code for transmission, or send files.6. WLAN whitelistIf you want to restrict employees to only use devices within the designated WiFi coverage area, how to solve this problem?Open WLAN whitelist - then click ADD - and then select the WIFI you want to add to the whitelist - so that only the one you selected will exist in your list.7. Personalized SettingsYou can finish Device name setting, shortcut menu, screen recording, navigation key control, dominant screen mode etc. From personalized settings. Which can help you in some special application scenarios. -
Lotus Series IOT800 Cloud Scanner is an innovative work in the scanning gun industry. CILICO pioneered WIFI data transmission to support cloud data management for enterprise efficiency: touchable screen operation, A-level capacitive touch screen, device control through APP. Customized product function can be customized according to user needs.Bluetooth 2d barcode scanner's key functionsCPU: 1GHzOS: LinuxStorage: 32MB NOR FlashDisplay: 1.54 inch 240*240 touch screenWIFI: 2.4G 802.11a/b/g/n , distance: 60 meterBluetooth: Class Bluetooth 4.1; HID, SPPInterface: Micro USBBattery: 2600mAhScanning: 1D/2D bar-code scannerIP Sealing: IP52Bluetooth barcode scanner's innovative conceptWIFI-Touch PanelCloud Bar-code ScannerCreate A New Era of smart scanningWireless Design Unlimited Freedom Well Designed by Global Red Dot Award MasterIngenuity polished for 729 hoursEfforts to build by 36 R&D engineers654 hours`s efforts in optical design by expertsVisible Inventory Equipped with 1.54" high-resolution LCD touch screen inventory more convenient and more efficientCharging cradleProviding power at any time, make sure fully day workingPower Wi-Fi connectionSupport the cloud server data management, the device data can be easily managedBue-tooth 4.1Support HID(Bluetooth keyboard input)and SPP (secondary development) modes data transmission, and 60meters long transmission distanceAccurate Scan of Damaged or Poor-Quality Ba-rcodeIOT800 has high-performance decoding capability scan 1D and 2D bar-code quickly and accurately great improving the one-time pass rate of reading bar-codes2D qr code scanner's selling points IOT800 with a fashion design for brand storesIOT800 support Wi-Fi, BT, wired multi modesIOT800 with a popular scanner design but with a screen which can make the setup conveniently and show the information directlyIOT800 Wi-Fi mode can communicate with the server directly, save the cost for PC or smart phonesExcellent scanning performance enhance accuracy and efficiencyBarcode scanner's industry news9 Internet of Things forum come to Shanghai to Diggin Internet of Things in AprilThe Internet of Everything is the original purpose of the Internet of Things. Up to now, the Internet of Things has also driven the development of many industries, such as 5G, Bluetooth, WiFi, sensors, UWB positioning, AIoT, cloud computing and other technologies. Meanwhile, it has also made rapid development in many fields, such as industry, transportation, medical care, new retail, human settlements and so on.According to the latest research data, the number of Internet of Things connections in China has reached 4.53 billion, and will be the first to break the 10 billion mark by 2025.The current stage is also the growth period of the Internet of Things industry, and the integration of new technologies is accelerating to the development of AIoT.In 2019, benefiting from the large-scale implementation of AIoT business in urban areas and the initial popularization of edge computing, the market size of AIoT in China has exceeded 300 billion and reached the level of 400 billion. As AIoT needs to reconstruct the traditional industrial value chain during its implementation, the development pace will be stable in the next few years. -
【大器已成 众望所归】富立叶莲花&磐石系列新品2017全球首发
C6 Rugged mobile computer featured with popular and impact size design, latest configuration of Android 11 OS and 3GB RAM, 32GB ROM memory, built-in both Bar code Reader and UHF RFID technology. It widely used in industries like Logistics, Retail, Healthcare, Manufacturing etc. And applied for warehousing management, asset tracking, inventory, distribution etc application. Handheld inventory devices' selling points C6 with 1.2cm long distance RFID integrated, convenient and economicC6 with IP65 protection level and withstand 1.2m droppingC6 is portable size and with barcode & RFID all-in-one, suitable for different scenesExcellent scanning performance enhance accuracy and efficiencyRugged mobile phones' application 1Used for manufacturing management by reading barcodes and UHF tagsHandheld mobile computer's application 2 Used for stores & warehouse management by reading barcodes and UHF tags (long distance) -
【产品资讯】富立叶CILICO C7S助力电力解决方案
In the past 10 years, the cosmetics industry has achieved explosive growth, broke the traditional sales barriers, and realized the simultaneous sales of cosmetics online and offline, but the traditional cosmetics industry has many inventory management problems, which seriously restricts the development of the industry.Efficient inventory management is an important factor to ensure the development needs of the cosmetics market. For the problems at this stage in the warehousing of the daily chemical industry, an RFID asset management system solution is required. It uses the RFID smart inventory management system to improve its warehouse management information level, through wireless networks, handheld terminals, electronic tags etc. In accordance with business rules and algorithms, the system programs the management of multiple information, resources, inventories and behaviors in the system, and uses mobile terminals (PDAs) to ensure that the operation tasks can reach the administrator accurately and in a timely manner, reduce the error rate and effectively improve the efficiency of operations.Cosmetics Inventory Management Problem Analysis1. There are many types of cosmetics, and it is easy to confuse the records of cargo batch numbers, dates, specifications, etc.2. The degree of informatization lags behind, and the warehouse management of most small and medium-sized cosmetics manufacturers is still in the artificial stage, with low efficiency and easy to make mistakes.3. Strict control of inventory is difficult to achieve, cosmetics are affected by seasonal, publicity, trend, brand and other factors, lagging inventory information is often more likely to make enterprises affected by the above factors.4. The lack of management knowledge of managers, the traditional warehouse management method of relying solely on manual records can no longer meet the market's demand for rapid response to warehouses.RFID scanner inventory management system's advantages 1. Intelligent inventory managementThrough the RFID asset management system for the warehousing goods to define the inventory range and safety inventory, the system's fast information processing speed to help enterprises real-time monitoring of inventory quantity and early warning.Warehousing goods information is added to the inventory quantity in real time through the system, and the change of the inventory is presented in the form of an image in the system, and the reasonable inventory amount helps the enterprise to speed up the turnover of funds.2. Powerful and comprehensive dataManual recording of human beings has been unable to meet the requirements of today's warehouses with huge currency for fast and accurate warehouse operations, and the information management part of the system includes the management of all information in the warehouse such as suppliers, demanders, goods, heads, forklifts, etc., and can define the artificial nature of these confidences through the system maintenance function.3. First in, first outComputer access system is adopted. Using a computer management system, according to the time when the items are stored, relying on the software sorted by time, the order of the warehouse can be automatically arranged, so as to achieve "first in, first out". This computer access system can also combine fiddle-first-out and fast-forward and fast-out to speed up turnover and reduce labor consumption.4. RFID handheld CM900Asset management system adopts mobile terminal through the binding of IP address to achieve professional version of the background data sharing, real-time update for demand and task dynamics, and PDA side of the collaborative operation. It can be flexibly moved anytime and anywhere, effectively improving the efficiency of warehouse management and the accuracy of management.Handheld rfid scanner can meet the following functions1. Warehousing: Carry out the goods warehousing action according to the warehousing instructions, complete the work and feedback the results to the system through the mobile terminal.2. Outbound: Scan and remove goods from the shelves according to the outbound task list.3. Transfer: According to the transfer task list, the same state and different states between the library area and the library location are transferred.4. Return: After confirming with the recipient, return the database to the handover and exit the library.5. Inventory: According to the inventory task list, the goods in the corresponding warehouse area and warehouse are scanned and counted.6. Query: Query the location of the goods according to the goods number or query the name number of the goods according to the warehouse area and the warehouse location information. -
Founded in 1968, Intel has been operating for nearly 50 years, with only one year of losses. It has 110,000 employees worldwide, and the whole industrial chain is engaged in chip design, raw materials and production, with 64% gross profit and 28% net interest rate.----Santa Clara Intel -
On March 19th, the first batch of CILICO Smart Handheld Temperature Reader project of Zhejiang University of Traditional Chinese Medicine and its affiliated hospitals was delivered.The Smart Handheld Temperature Reader was delivered for the management of the body temperaturein the school and the outpatient department of the hospital. One person can complete "identification + temperature detection + data upload" in 3 seconds, and realize rapid and traceable overall epidemic prevention temperature measurement management.After the school starts, the program will fully deploy the dormitory building, library, hospital and other links to help the campus temperature detection and epidemic prevention work.Facing the dual needs of resuming work, resuming production, and studying safety and epidemic prevention, CILICO Smart Handheld Temperature Reader provides epidemic protection for more scenarios such as smart construction sites, smart scenic spots, and school resumption with a rapid deployment, traceable, and integrated solution! -
【同心筑梦 共赢未来】欢迎光临富立叶2019年度盛会!
On March 17th, the official announcement of Chengdu Jinsha Site Museum resumed opening, and announced that all medical workers nationwide can visit for free within one year. CILICO Smart Handheld Temperature Readers were rapid deployment and delivery to help the body temperature Screening and traceability management.Chengdu Jinsha Site Museum is a national 4A tourist attraction,the opening of the park also marks the normalization of citizens' work and life faced with the dual needs of epidemic prevention and control and citizens' leisure, the park management made adequate preparations and introduced the contactless, traceable, and fast passage CILICO Smart Handheld Temperature Reader body temperature detection solution, combining temperature screening, identification into one step and completed in 3 seconds, reducing the gathering and direct contact of personnel at the entrance.CILICO smart hand-held temperature readers have achieved mass delivery, helping more tourist attractions across the country to realize the rapid deployment of traceable epidemic prevention temperature measurement management to ensure the needs of citizens' cultural life after resumption and production.CILICO Smart Handheld Temperature ReaderCILICO Smart Handheld Temperature Reader, can help you quickly complete non-contact body temperature measurement and ID card/passport identification, Enables rapid deployment of traceable epidemic temperature measurement solutions. Support barcode/RFID/NFC/OCR. IP65 industrial protection, rugged and anti-bacteria.CILICO Smart Handheld Temperature Reader recruit global distributors.Contact us: contact@cilico.com -
CILICO leveraged its informatization power to quickly develop a mobile computer that can identify ID information + non-contact body temperature detection + Cloud data processing, achieve intelligent temperature measuring management.CILICO Temperature Measuring Mobile Computer advantages:1. Paperless Information Management2. Supports temperature measuring from a distance of more than 10cm3. ID identification + temperature measuring + real-time positioning, provide big data for traceable epidemic management 1. Log in to the temperature measuring app2. Identify ID information3. Non-contact body temperature measuring4. Cloud data processing Recommended placesPublic transportation, hospitals, communities, schools, shopping malls, pharmacies etc. -
Building Dreams Together and Winning the Future19 years, dreams start from here! On January 11th, Cilico's 2019 "Building Dreams Together and Winning the Future" Annual Conference and Commendation Conference was held at the headquarter in Xi'an China. Representatives from Cilico from Shenzhen, Beijing, Chengdu, Shanghai, Wuhan, Chongqing and other countries gathered together.Flyers, welcome home!Dear Cilicos, welcome home! A warm souvenir will bring you the most intimate care and greetings in winter.Dressed up, the family feast was grandThe clear weather, the elegant and quiet environment, the full-fledged Cilico people present, and the well-designed small surprises brought a relaxing and joyful event for the whole family.Welcome to the talent show!The brand spirit of Cilico's “Integrity, Keeping Abreast of the Times, Energetic, and Valuable” has shaped the product image with distinctive personality, and also integrated into the blood of each Cilico person. Welcome to the talent show.Affectionate confession, I LOVE CILICOEmotional storytelling, me and my CILICOWhen the Mobile Computers meet the elegant Chinese cheongsam show"There is no success without pursuit and dedication"Moment of glory, thank you!2019 is a year of change and development for Cilico. All Cilico people worked hard and dedicated, "Star of Service", "Star of R & D", "Star of Sales", "Star of Supply Chain", shining on the venue! At the same time, the awards of various categories, such as the "Budgeting Award", "Renewal Award", "Project Genie", "Hardworking bee Award", also justify the most sincere thanks to every ordinary post.Service StarR & D StarSale StarStar of Supply ChainDedication for ten years, mutual achievement19 years, countless Cilicos have been down-to-earth and have cultivated the fertile soil of Cilico with practical actions. The winner of the "Ten Years Contribution Award", she is witnesses of Cilico development and companions of Cilico growth , Is the guardian of the growth of Cilico."Building Dreams Together and Winning the Future"——Cilico's 2019 annual commendation conference and 2020 conference ended successfully in a harmonious, warm and joyful atmosphere. Looking back on 2019, we are working together to forge ahead; looking forward to 2020, we will provide better products and more considerate services to give back to customers.